Customer Testimonials

We are extremely happy with Stainless steel Process Equipment and Blenders supplied by Dhopeshwar Engineering. The equipment are well designed and perform well. We are very much satisfied with their supply and services.

- B. Subba Rao, Chairman, Aswini group of companies

We have been using Dhopeshwar Engg.'s Blenders and Stainless steel equipment for the past 2 decades everyday and we are very satisfied with their quality. Even their after sales service is Excellent! We wish them the Best of luck!

- Ramchandra Gupta, Owner, Aroma Winery

We are very happy with Stainless steel Distillery Blenders supplied by Dhopeshwar Engineering. The Bending is excellent and the engineering very robust. We are happy to recommend them.

- Rajeshwar Rao, CEO, Kapitan Distilleries & Winery

Microbax Ashwini Devi Godrej Venkys Hygeia